If you desire financial freedom in retirement, then you must take control and be proactive about planning for your retirement. Self-managed superannuation is a means of saving for retirement. It allows you to control your investment strategy, reduce tax while obtaining tax benefits and control administration costs. Superannuation law is a delicate area and personalised planning is required for each individual. If you have a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) or contemplating establishing one, you need to know what you can and can’t do with your SMSF and importantly, how to utilise your SMSF in the most effective way. The rules surrounding SMSFs are complex. The key to knowing how your death benefits will be paid is governed by your SMSF’s trust deed. Trust deed must be carefully reviewed.
AccountantSMART offers superannuation services, giving you access to both the advisers who can help you establish, manage and grow your superannuation, and the team that can ensure your SMSF is well run and meets all of its audit and reporting obligations.
The Superannuation Industry Supervision Act 1993 requires trustees of a SMSF to have their fund audited each year by an approved auditor. The audit provides both a financial audit and compliance audit of the fund’s operation.
To keep your fund compliant and maintain its beneficial tax status, you need an experienced team who can keep on top of the changing regulatory environment. Working to a high procedural standard, we ensure that the checks and balance are in place to keep your fund compliant and ensure that all of your reporting requirements are met.
Maximise your investment growth by making the best investment decisions while also reducing tax obligations.